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Nissan announces production of next-generation batteries by 2029

Nissan announced on Tuesday the production of electric vehicles powered by next-generation batteries by 2029.

In the emerging electric car sector, Japanese automakers are lagging behind their American and Chinese competitors.

However, Nissan has announced the production of next-generation batteries to power electric vehicles, on the heels of a media tour of an unfinished pilot plant. “Nissan engineers are all working hard to create this new world,” said Hideyuki Sakamoto, the company's executive vice-president.

A real promise of a quantum leap: a powerful battery that's cheaper, safer and quicker to charge than today's lithium-ion batteries.

However, considerable challenges remain before the technology can reach commercial mass production. Nissan officials remain tight-lipped about many aspects of the technology, as well as the total investment.

Competitors such as Volkswagen and Toyota have also announced efforts to produce vehicles with low environmental impact, with Toyota setting a date of 2027-2028 to start bringing them to market.

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