リテールテックカンファレンス - ビジネスリーダーズフォーラム2024

申込み締切 : 2024年10月29日 - 20時30分 (UTC+9)

参加費 : * Please pay via Stripe Payment online system before registration

Presential Attendance:
- 9 000 yens for members of the French Chamber
- 18 000 yens for non-members

Only Online Attendance:
- 5 000 yens for members of the French Chamber
- 10 000 yens for non-members

*Any cancellation after the deadline or no-show will be charged.
*All participants are required to pay online before the event. Thank you for your understanding.

Non ouvert

Les inscriptions ne sont pas encore autorisées pour cet événement.

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