Action against the (re-)entry ban to Japan- Letters to METI

Action against the (re)entry ban to Japan- Letters to METI

The French Chamber of Commerce in Japan has been working with the EBC to call on the Japanese Government for fair and equal treatment of foreign residents by allowing entry to Japan on the same basis as Japanese nationals.

Last month, several Chambers of commerce, including us, collected data through a survey sent to you, based on the impact of the (re-)entry ban to Japan for your companies. It provided to the EBC (European business council) solid foundation for their discussions with Japanese leaders and attracted a lot of interest from the international media.

– Involve your Japanese business partners or local governments

From their recent talks with the Japanese Government, the EBC understood that it would be most effective to achieve the relaxation of the travel ban if they could obtain a letter from either your large Japanese business partners or local governments (where your investment is located) outlining the hardship caused by the (re-)entry ban.

We need to be able to demonstrate that the travel ban impacts the Japanese economy and puts in jeopardy the health of Japanese companies, Japanese employment, or the proper functioning of local governments' projects.

* The letter should be sent to the METI, with the EBC in copy *

►  Here is an example of letter with the contact names of the people in charge at METI

►  To copy the EBC : Valérie Moschetti - vmoschetti(@)

They will then be able to follow up and use these complaints for our advocacy work.

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