Networking  •  Evènement sportif

2024 Joint Chambers Golf Tournament by BLCCJ, CCIFJ and SCCIJ

Taco Country Club, 1315 Iizasa, Tako, Katori District, 289-2231, Chiba, Japon
Voir sur la carte

Tarif : Car Users: JPY 18,000
*Includes registration, green fee, lunch, award ceremony.
Bus Users: JPY 26,000
*Includes all of the above, plus bus fee.

CCIFJ slots are limited to 30 persons (5 teams), first come first serve.
*Cancellations after this date and no-shows will be charged in full!


L'événement est terminé.

The CCI France Japon is excited to announce the 2024 golf tournament organized with the Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber and Swiss Chamber at the Taco Country Club in Chiba. 

As the double Shin-Peria Handicap system will be used for this tournament, you do not need an official JGA Handicap to participate. Come join us for a great day out on the green!

Invite your friends, colleagues, and business partners, and come participate in the tournament with a team of 3 or 4 people in a relaxed and casual atmosphere. You will also have the chance to win great prizes.

Sponsoring for visibility

You can support the Chambers and enhance your company’s visibility by donating a prize to the golf tournament! You can also give a prize to every participant, or sponsor a specific contest (Nearest to the Pin, Longest Drive, Best Woman).



- List of donating companies on Chambers’ website

- Presentation of all prizes in the party room after the tournament

- Logo of donating companies on a screen during the prize ceremony

- Name call of donating companies at hand-out of the prizes


If you would like to donate a prize, please fill out the online form.


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