Kanto - Tokyo Evènements
Automotive Conference - Business Leaders Forum
Tarif :
8 000 yens for members of the French Chamber
16 000 yens for non-members
Only Online Attendance:
5 000 yens for members of the French Chamber
10 000 yens for non-members
L'événement est terminé.
2020 France Japan Automotive Conference/Webinar
Market Changes and Supply Chains Risks
Following the success of 2018 and 2019, we are delighted to announce the 3rd edition of the Automotive Conference, this year focusing on Market Changes and Supply Chains, on Thursday, September 17, 2020 from 16:30.
In a context of numerous industry changes, including new technology, climate and COVID-19 crises, that affect both demand and supply, value chains and supply chains need to be revamped. Players of the car-making industry need more than ever to quickly address market changes and supply chain strategies, to mitigate risks and drive change.
After an overview to evaluate current state and future trends of the mobility industry, French and Japanese experts will:
- discuss transformation of the mobility ecosystems, looking at impacts on value chain, new business models and technology;
- present how supply chain strategies should be reshaped, focusing on risk management and improved governance.
Join this event, designed to help industry leaders and policy makers navigate future developments, to get forward-thinking and integrated perspective and to discover future trends.
With speakers from
- METI - Air Liquide - Bolloré Logistics - CSLA - EY - Dassault Systemes - McKinsey
| - Michelin - Nissan - Symbio - Valeo
We look forward to seeing you at this conference, which will be followed by a networking cocktail.
Master of Ceremony: DELMAS Bernard, Senior Advisor, Michelin Group & Member of the Board of Directors, Nissan Motor Corp.
16:30 Welcome speech
• French Ambassador to Japan
• CAHIERRE Armel, President, CCI France Japon
16:40 OVERVIEW - Evaluating Current State and Future Trends of the Mobility Industry
• YOSHIMURA Naoyasu, Director for the Automobile Division, Manufacturing Industries Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
• MOHR Detlev, Senior Partner, Tokyo, McKinsey & Company
17:05 PANEL 1 – Transformation of the Automotive Industry: Impacts on Value Chain, New Business Models and Technology
MODERATOR: ARNAUD Régis, Editor in Chief of " France Japon Eco" magazine & Le Figaro Japan correspondent
• FERRARI Fabio, Hydrogen Mobility Business Venture Director, Michelin
• GERONDEAU Guillaume, Vice President, Transportation & Mobility Industry Asia, Dassault Systemes
• PENFORNIS Erwin, Vice-President, H2 Energy Asia-Pacific, Air Liquide
• NAKAGURO Kunio, Executive Vice President, Nissan R&D, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.
18:05 PANEL 2 – Redefining Supply Chain Strategy: Managing Risks and Improved Governance
MODERATOR: FUKADA H. Allen, Advisory Supply Chain & Operations Co-Leader, EY Japan
• DEFOSSE David, Director, Asia Supply Chain and Production System, Valeo
• SCHMITT Jean-Pierre, General Manager – FCM FAURECIA JAPAN K.K.
• UMEMURA Makoto, Vice President, Operations & Marketing Department, Business Line Automotive Original Equipment, Michelin
• RICHTER Christopher, Deputy Head of Japan Research, CSLA
19:05 Concluding Remarks
• ORDOOBADI Ali, President, Valeo Japan
Date Thursday, September 17
Time 16:30-20:30 (doors open at 16:00)
Language English/Japanese (simultaneous interpretation)
Venue CCI France Japon “L’Espace” - at CCIFJ office!
Address 2-2-2 Nihombashi, Honcho 1F, Chuo-ku, 103-0023 Tokyo
Fee (to be paid in cash at the door or online via PayPal)
Presential attendance
8 000 yens for members of the French Chamber
16 000 yens for non-members
Remote attendance:
5 000 yens for members of the French Chamber
10 000 yens for non-members
Deadline for registration/cancellation Thursday, September 10, 2020, 17:00
Any cancellation after the deadline or no-show will be charged.
Any questions?
Please contact us:
Audrey PENFORNIS a.penfornis(@)ccifj.or.jp (English/French)
Mayu HANDA m.handa(@)ccifj.or.jp (French/Japanese)
* Event format may be adjusted depending on COVID-19 situation.
Register for this event
To register for this event, please click on the button "Register Now", complete the form and click on the button "Confirmer et valider mon inscription". Please register each attendee separately. Number of Seats is limited, be first to register! Paypal link to be sent 2 weeks before event.
Modalités d'accès

Automotive Conference - Business Leaders Forum
L'événement est terminé.