Partenaire • Evènements
Innovation, Internationalization, Diversification, and Ethics in High Technology: the Case of Kyocera
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Tarif : Free (pre-registration is mandatory)
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The French Chamber is thrilled to invite you to the new lunch seminar of the MFJ on Friday, November 22, 2019, entitled "Innovation, Internationalization, Diversification, and Ethics in High Technology: the Case of Kyocera".
It is well known that most start-ups either fail or are taken over by larger firms.
Within this context, how did Kyocera, a startup born in Kyoto and co-founded by Inamori Kazuo, managed to survive and expand? What are the characteristics of this startup relationship with banks and in what does it differ from others companies? Why did it diversify into telecoms, thus organizing the cooperation between 24 companies, but also join the US company Motorola in the building of a constellation of 66 communication satellites which experienced debacle? How did it meet the challenges of internationalization and constitute a global network? What are Kyocera contributions to the field of management (accountancy, human resource development, business ethics)? More generally, how do some Japanese companies remain on the edge of high technology while other fall in oblivion?
Patrick Fridenson (EHESS)

Patrick Fridenson is Professor Emeritus of International Business History at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris and has been a visiting professor at the University of Tokyo (Faculty of Economics). He is also a former President of the Business History Conference of the United States Professor. His research deals with the strategies, structures, innovations, ethics and performances of business enterprises in relation to consumers and to the regulatory and social environment in international perspective.
In addition, he has worked in a variety of industries: coal, automobile, aircraft, electronics and is the co-author of several books in English, including Ethical Capitalism. Shibusawa Eiichi and Business Leadership in Global Perspective (Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2017) and Reimagining Business History (Baltimore, Johns Hopkins, 2013, translated in Japanese, 2017).
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Innovation, Internationalization, Diversification, and Ethics in High Technology: the Case of Kyocera
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