MFJ Lunch Seminar : Japanese perspective on European Union’s industry 5.0 policy
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Free MFJ Lunch Seminar : Online and Onsite
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the European Commission launched a policy discussion on the theme of
“Industry 5.0.” While much of the policy debate centers around the aim of moving beyond efficiency and productivity as the twin goals of industry, it is also necessary to rethink the concept of efficiency in order to understand industry’s continuing role in wider society. Redefining these parameters is as much a question of social imagination as it is a matter of technical capacity. Human experience remains a remarkably underutilized resource in discussions of industrial efficiency and of industry’s role in society. Drawing on concrete examples from Japan’s industrial experience, this talk contributes to a rich vein of dialogue surrounding Industry 5.0 and the goals of our global industrial future.
What is the Lunch Seminar?
This event has been held at the Maison franco-japonaise (Nichifutsu Kaikan) since 2004. It features a presentation followed by a discussion dedicated to a specific issue, aiming to bring about a better understanding of the Japanese economy and society.
Modalités d'accès
MFJ Lunch Seminar : Japanese perspective on European Union’s industry 5.0 policy
L'événement est terminé.