International Evening in Kobe 2022 (With the ACCJ)
Langue(s) de l'événement
日本語, English
The French Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce ‘International Evening in Kobe’ happening on September 30, 2022.
The diner will start at 18:30 but the venue will open at 18:00 to give you more opportunities to meet the other participants.

Autumn is coming! To celebrate this new season, we are very happy to invite you to our
member-exclusive international gathering at the beautiful Garden Place Soshuen in Kobe, for an delicious evening of sake tasting and French cuisine.
This is a joint event with the ACCJ, the American Chamber of Commerce Japan. Mr Richard Mei, Consul General of the United States in Osaka and Mr Jules Irrmann, Consulate General of France in Kyoto, will both honor us with their presence, as well as Eli Lilly’s CEO Simone Thompson.
This means you will have plenty of opportunities to mingle and talk business with the Kansai international community while you enjoy the food, the drinks and the scenery.
The sake is provided by the famous Daimon Brewery, and Mr Yasutaka Daimon himself will introduce his products. Mr Daimon is a talkative person who enjoys conversations and can speak both English and Japanese. He toured Europe and India in a spiritual journey, and he certainly is an interesting character to meet.
Do not waver, for this event is quite exclusive and there are only 25 seats available for our CCIFJ members (and 25 more for the ACCJ members).
Register NOW to be sure to get your seat!
Registration and Payment
Please register via this page (Please click the red button).
Online payment is available in the registration form : READ THE INSTRUCTIONS
For special requests, please contact : RESERVATION(@)CCIFJ.OR.JP
Sponsors and Partners
Rémy Cointreau Japan K.K. is kind enough to provide the TELMONT champaign you will be able to taste for the Kampai before the meal.
Modalités d'accès

International Evening in Kobe 2022 (With the ACCJ)
L'événement est terminé.