In 2018, the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (CCI France Japon) reached a milestone by turning 100 years old!
- Are you a startup interested in the French, Japanese or European markets?
- Are you a large corporate group looking to innovate by collaborating with startups?
- Are you a venture capital, corporate venture, entrepreneur, consultant... working with startups?
Save the date for this event dedicated to French and Japanese startups, covering the Smart Cities, Life Sciences, Digital and Silver Economy industry sectors!
Join us for speed-pitching sessions by innovative startups from Japan and France and a special "Smart Cities" roundtable during which corporate speakers and startup ecosystem specialists will share hands-on experience and advice.
Don’t forget to check out the booth section and attend the award ceremony.
Date Monday, November 19, 2018
Time from 14:30 to 17:45
Venue SPACE NIO, Nikkei Hall (Tokyo)
Language English
Admission fee Free
Deadline for registration/cancellation Monday, November 12, 17:00
Find out more on:
Any questions? Want to get involved?
Drop us a line at a.salfray(@) or h.ishijima(@)
Event organized with the kind support of
Centenary Sponsors
Centenary Partners
Startups "Meet & Connect"
L'événement est terminé.