Training: Present with high impact (English)
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In an increasingly busy work environment it is essential to communicate clearly and effectively. But making impressive presentations that captivate the listener and convey the right messages is harder than it looks… If you feel that you could improve your skills in preparing and delivering impressive presentations in front of a group, this training is for you. Our experienced instructor from Dale Carnegie will help you enhance your credibility, communicate your messages powerfully and connect with your audience.
- Become respected as persuasive and professional.
- Organize your thoughts and materials logically and effectively.
- Develop a strong personal connection with your audience.
This seminar will be conducted my Mr. Gary Smith from Dale Carnegie Training.
For more details about the program, please click here.
Title Present with high impact
Language English
Date Friday, April 5, 2019
Time from 9:00 to 17:00
Venue French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI Fance Japon)
Address Iida Bldg 1F, 5-5 Rokubancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Fees 55,000 yens (tax excluded)
Deadline for registration Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Please click here to download a registration form and send it to Recruitment & Training service by E-mail:
Should you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact Recruitment & Training Service.
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Training: Present with high impact (English)
L'événement est terminé.