
Training: Working efficiently with foreigners (Japanese)

CCI France Japon, L'Espace@CCIFJ, Tokyo, Chuo-ku, Nihonbashi Honcho 2-2-2 Nihonbashi-Honcho YS Building , 103-0023, Japon
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Langue(s) de l'événement


L'événement est terminé.

In today’s Japan, the employment of foreign talent is increasing and it is becoming a key of business development in both domestic and overseas markets. While diversity brings positive influence to an organization, working with people with different business cultures can be tricky and includes specific challenges. To work together efficiently, it is of course important that foreigners learn the Japanese way of doing business… but the good understanding of the Japanese host side is also essential. If you would like to understand your foreign colleagues better and promote a respectful and efficient multicultural work environment, please join our new seminar on June 17!

Objectives of this seminar

  • Understand how different cultures influence a business person’s behavior
  • Learn how Japanese business people are perceived by non-Japanese
  • Acquire knowhow to handle culture gaps with non-Japanese

Strong points of this seminar

  • Benefit from a solid practical knowledge on Western, Japanese and worldwide culture and values
  • By using “Culture Mapping”, understand how Japanese are perceived in the world
  • Acquisition of practical skills through case studies and role play (negotiation, speech, apologize…)

Who should attend?

  • Japanese professionals who work with/ or manage non-Japanese staff
  • Anyone who wants to learn about cultural values which are different from Japanese
  • Anyone who wants to understand how cultural differences impact a multicultural team
  • Companies who are planning to hire foreign talent in the near future

For more details about the program, please click here.

Title Working efficiently with foreigners
Language Japanese
Date Monday, June 17, 2019
Time from 9:00 to 17:00
Venue French Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 1F Conference room (CCI Fance Japon)
NEW ADDRESS Nihonbashi Honcho YS bldg., 2-2-2 Nihonbashihoncho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Fees 80,000 yens (tax excluded)
Deadline for registration Friday, Jun 7 2019 *extended

Please click here to download a registration form and send it to Recruitment & Training service by E-mail:

Should you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact Recruitment & Training Service.

Go to our Training calendar in 2019

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