秋山広宣(Stephen Chan)CEO- INOFORICH

Born in Hong Kong and raised in Japan. He was a trilingual artist at Universal Music circa 2007 and moved to Hong Kong in 2012, where he served as an advisor to Fukuoka Prefecture's Hong Kong representative office and as the head of the initial overseas business office of IGNIS Corporation, which was listed on Mothers in 2014.
In 2015 he founded INFORICH Corporation, which was listed on the Growth Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in December 2022. He is currently working on the global expansion of ChargeSPOT service.
株式会社INFORICH について
株式会社INFORICHは、代表の秋山が2017年に香港でモバイルバッテリーシェアリングサービスに出会い、「どこでも借りられて、どこでも返せる」をコンセプトに、モバイルバッテリーのシェアリングサービス「ChargeSPOT」を2018年4月より、日本と香港でスタート。現在、日本、香港、台湾、タイ、中国とグローバルに展開しており、設置台数は世界で57,000台を突破。今後もINFORICHは「Bridging Beyond Borders~垣根を越えて世界をつなぐ~」をミッションに掲げ、さらなる企業価値の拡大を目指している。
INFORICH Inc. began when its president, Akiyama, came across a mobile battery sharing service in Hong Kong in 2017. Based on the concept of "Borrow anywhere, return anywhere," the company launched ChargeSPOT, a mobile battery sharing service, in Japan and Hong Kong in April 2018. Currently, the service is expanding globally to Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, and China, and the number of installed units has exceeded 57,000 worldwide. Going forward, INFORICH aims to further expand its corporate value under the mission "Bridging Beyond Borders - Connecting the world beyond barriers.