Hiroshi OnoProfessor at Hitotsubashi Univ. Business School

Hiroshi Ono received his BE in mechanical engineering from Waseda University and his MA and Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Chicago. He was later awarded Docent (equivalent to a second doctoral degree) in economics from the Stockholm School of Economics. He writes and speaks extensively on the relationships among motivation, happiness, and productivity in the workplace. He has a special interest in the interplay between demographic change and labor market dynamics in Japan. His latest research focuses on enhancing the quality of work, integrating digital technology in the workplace, and increasing labor productivity.

Professor Ono is a frequent contributor and commentator for Japanese and global news media, both print and broadcast. He is the author of Redistributing Happiness: How Social Policies Shape Life Satisfaction (with Kristen Schultz Lee, Praeger Publishing, 2016). His work has been published in the American Sociological ReviewAsian Business & ManagementOxford Economic PapersSocial Forces, and Social Science Quarterly, among others.

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