Promote your brand image through our quarterly prestige economic publication
France Japon Eco is the only bilingual magazine (French/Japanese) exclusively dedicated to the economy of France and Japan. Sent to all our members, major international hotels, major international airports, CCI Tokyo, JETRO, and multiple other institutes and schools.
Next issue: Health check
The COVID-19 pandemic has placed health as the number one issue in our lives. Japan once again occupies an exceptional position in this regard: not only as the second or third largest pharmaceutical market in the world, not only for the outstanding health record of its population, which enjoys the longest life expectancy (in good health) on the planet, but also as a power of innovation.
Japan is also at the forefront of global ageing, seeking the right trade-off between budgetary constraints and research funding.
Japan's pharmaceutical excellence, less well known than its prowesses in the automotive or industrial equipment industries, is the subject of FJE163. The issue is explained through interviews and analysis of a number of key players we met in this sector. This new issue is alas not covered by Social Security - but it is recommended for your health.
The 163rd issue of the magazine also includes an analysis of Tokyo's strengths and weaknesses as a financial platform, a study on the retirement prospects of French and Japanese expatriates... And much more!
Do not miss the opportunity!