Breakfast Event: Boost Sales Performance in 2024
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CCIFJ Member 3.000 JPY (excluding VAT)
Non-Member 4.500 JPY (excluding VAT)
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Cancellations made on the previous day and the day of the seminar will be fully charged.
CCIFJ is reserving the right to cancel or shift to another appropriate date if the minimum number of registrants is not satisfied.
Event ended.
Join this event to break through your sales team’s cycle of unproductive customer call activities and excuses for underperformance.
We invite you to a dynamic breakfast event designed to fortify your sales growth for the remainder of 2024. Join us for an engaging session filled with actionable insights plus introduction to sales activities and sales tools tailored to enhance your sales team’s revenue achievements.
At this event, we will unveil two essential, easy-to-use, easy-to-implement sales tools created to revitalize your sales team's performance:
- Customer Call Planning and Execution Tool: Empowers sales representatives to meticulously plan, execute, and summarize customer interactions, leading to improved sales performance and customer satisfaction.
- Sales Manager Coaching Enhancement Tool: Elevates sales representative’s individual selling skills through personalized sales manager coaching techniques, thereby boosting tangible improvements in sales outcomes and overall team productivity.
Backed by compelling case studies, we will showcase the tangible impact of these tools in action, with real-world results from our endeavors in Japan.
If your sales organization is struggling with meeting sales targets in the first half of 2024, this event offers a unique opportunity to assess the need for sales activities fine-tuning in the latter half of the year. As Einstein famously remarked, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
So, are you expecting your sales force to deliver different results doing the same activities, using the same tools, following the same methodologies in remainder of 2024?
If it’s time for a paradigm shift in your sales team activities, join us on June 10, 2024 and initiate your sales team’s journey towards achieving enhanced sales performance through 2024.
Our guest speaker
Ziya Muhamedcani, President of Sales Institute Japan KK
Over the past 30+ years, Ziya has developed and conducted over 1500 sales training programs in Japan, providing practical approaches and solutions to selling in Japan. Having personally accompanied over 5000 sales representatives on customer calls from various industries during his training career in Japan, Ziya has observed and shares “what works and what does not work” in the Japan sales environment and incorporated relevant elements into his training programs.
Event contents:
- Is your sales organization struggling with meeting sales targets in the first half of 2024? What can be done in last half of 2024?
- Introduction of 2 practical, easy-to-use, easy-to-implement sales tools to enhance remainder of 2024 sales.
- Case study - Impact of these 2 Sales Tools
- Q&A
- Closing remarks
Event Location

Breakfast Event: Boost Sales Performance in 2024
Event ended.