Onsite Training : Leadership at All Levels (Japanese)
Event language(s)
CCIFJ Member 29.000 JPY (excluding VAT)
Non-Member 39.000 JPY (excluding VAT)
For cancellation made one week before the training, we would ask you to send a substitute, otherwise we will apply a 50% cancellation fee.
Cancellations made on the previous day and the day of the seminar will be fully charged.
CCIFJ is reserving the right to cancel or shift to another appropriate date if the minimum number of registrants is not satisfied.
Event ended.
This training is designed for women and men in Japan with ambition at, or curious about leadership, whatever their current levels of responsibilities.
Target audience
This training is aimed at women and men in Japan with ambition at, or curious about, leadership, whatever their current levels of responsibility, nationalities or ethnicities.
More especially young recruits, first-time managers, professionals with extensive experience, or with several reporting lines (matrix organisations / teams in several business units or countries), HR, business developers.
Training objectives
1. Understand the many concepts of leadership through impacts and behaviours at the individual level.
2. Raise self-awareness of your potential for, and limitations against, achieving leadership.
3. Focus on specific challenges a) in the Japan context; and b) in the post Covid environment.
4. Learn tools and techniques to grow your potential and improve on your limitations.
➢ Interactive, participative training of 3 hours based on group work and exercises.
➢ No artificial role plays: only authentic, real live situations and concerns.
➢ Theories, structures, tools and techniques empowering participants with immediate effect.
Training Principles
✓ Philosophy of training abides by my own professional ethics as coach and mentor: confidentiality, effectiveness and authenticity.
✓ Confidentiality of the discussions is guaranteed throughout the training.
✓ Authenticity as well as training effectiveness call for sincerity of the concerns shared by the participants.
✓ Effectiveness requires that the training ends with individual action planning (can be kept unsaid).
✓ Training materials, theories, structures, tools and techniques, general and detailed content are the unique and exclusive intellectual property of the trainer and must not be disclosed, shared, copied, transferred, scanned, sent to, used by, etc., neither in part nor in full, to anyone outside those responsible for this training inside CCIFJ.
Programme Outline (3 hours)
Opening / Ice breaker
1. What does Leadership really mean to you?
a. Leadership and Stereotypes
b. Cultures and Behaviours
c. Live cases: Group work in pairs
Leadership and Communication
2. Speaking up: Why is this not so easy in public? At work? Outside your comfort zone?
a. Japanese concepts of respect and modesty ENRYO and KENSON
b. CHINMOKU, HONNE et TATEMAE – vs – “Say what you mean and mean what you say”
c. Post Covid : Takeaways from Virtual communication challenges and opportunities
d. Inter-cultural expectations are projected when you use English or other languages
Leadership and Confrontation
3. Controlling the process of a difficult conversation
Why is the conversation difficult to you? Describe one example -
a. Work: peers, boss, team members, colleagues
b. Home / Parents / Children
c. Friends / Spouse / Significant Others
d. In the street / Neighbours / Community at large
Leadership and Inclusion
4. Leadership is conscious inclusion
a. “In” and “Out” circles
b. Japanese concepts of inter-chemistry NIGATE and AISHOU
c. Intention – vs – Behaviour
d. Lasting impact: what is your own experience?
e. Moving forward: what image of you as leader do you want projected?
Our Trainer
Kaoru Okada-Aranyossy / Executive Coach and Mentor
Passionate about coaching and mentoring individuals and groups access their inner strength, however unfamiliar and challenging their environment.
- Thirty years’ professional experience on four continents: Europe, America, Asia, Africa
- Coaching in English, French and Japanese languages
- Support women and men in leadership roles amidst unfamiliar or cross cultural surroundings
- Individual clients of 8 nationalities
- Certified Executive Coach and Mentor Level 7, Institute of Leadership and Management UK (Post Graduate)
- Sciences Po Paris, MA and Post Grad in Economics
- INSEAD Nissan Executive Programme
- La Sorbonne, MA in Political Philosophy
2012-2019: Global Director of Export Compliance in Renault Nissan Mitsubishi Group
2006-2012: Executive roles in Renault Nissan Group Human Resources & Director Internal Audit Sector
2002-2006: Recruitment & Executive Leadership Training Design
1999-2002: HR Change Leader: Reformer and Mentor of the Young Professionals Programme of the World Bank in Washington DC
1989-1999 International Project Manager and HR Manager
Event Location

Onsite Training : Leadership at All Levels (Japanese)
Event ended.