
Claude Kaneda, Kitahama Partners law office

Voice of the members - Claude Kaneda, Kitahama Partners law office

Claude KanedaFrench Attorney, associate, Kitahama Partners law office

From the viewpoint of a French business lawyer in Japan, CCIFJ has always been an essential key institution in liaising French companies in Japan at a start or expanding phase with matching law offices.

As such, at Kitahama Partners, I have been given precious opportunities to work with various profiles of French companies in Japan independently of their size and business sector and am honored to accompany them in diverse legal problematics solving including incorporation, regulatory licenses, labor law, commercial relationships, corporate operations and governance, as well as visa acquisitions.

I believe that the strong capacity of CCIFJ to create such linking comes from its many successful seminars and networking parties, and from the continuous dedication of CCIFJ’s staff which always has deep knowledge of its entire members portfolio to create the best connections at the perfect timing. In the future, as CCIFJ is developing its new support activities for Japanese companies going outbound to France, we are looking forward to accompanying CCIFJ in these promising horizons. »

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